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Clog Clearer Crossword Clue

There is 1 exact and 132 possible answers.
We've checked our database and believe the answer is SNAKE which was last seen in the New York Times crossword.
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We think the answer to this crossword clue is: SNAKE

Best Possible Answers

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99%5Exact Match!

• limbless scaly elongate reptile; some are venomous

• a tributary of the Columbia River that rises in Wyoming and flows westward; discovered in 1805 by the Lewis and Clark Expedition

• a long faint constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near the equator stretching between Virgo and Cancer

• a deceitful or treacherous person

• something long, thin, and flexible that resembles a snake

• a long flexible steel coil for dislodging stoppages in curved pipes


• move smoothly and sinuously, like a snake

• form a snake-like pattern

• move along a winding path

24%12 Provides clearer and crisper images
adjective satellite

• corrected for both chromatic and spherical aberration

24%11 Process of talking through problems and concerns to gain a clearer understanding and find potential solutions.

• something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action

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Source #Number Answer
New York Times09 Jul 2017 Across 89
This clue was last seen in the publications above.

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