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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • United States newspaper publisher whose introduction of large headlines and sensational reporting changed American journalism (1863-1951) | ||||||||
50% | 5 | Love of Charles Foster Kane in "Citizen Kane" | ||||||
noun • a drama set to music; consists of singing with orchestral accompaniment and an orchestral overture and interludes • a commercial browser developed by Opera Software • a building where musical dramas are performed | ||||||||
44% | 5 | Orson ___ (director of 'Citizen Kane') | ||||||
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Citizen Kane Inspiration
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HEARST which was last seen in the Eugene Sheffer crossword.
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Updated: October 11, 2023
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Pep rally shout
Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
Eugene Sheffer22 Feb 2021 | Down 4 | |
New York Times12 Aug 2001 | Down 100 | |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Co-wrote, directed, and starred in 'Citizen Kane' | |
2 | Inspiration for Citizen Kane
New York Times -
28 Apr 2021 | New York Times / 28 Apr 2021 |
3 | Inspiration for the movie 'Citizen Kane' | |
4 | Leader in yellow journalism and an inspiration for "Citizen Kane"
New York Times -
29 Sep 2019 | New York Times / 29 Sep 2019 |
5 | Love of Charles Foster Kane in "Citizen Kane"
New York Times -
09 Nov 2023 | New York Times / 09 Nov 2023 |
6 | When Kane dies in "Citizen Kane"
New York Times -
04 Dec 2014 | New York Times / 04 Dec 2014 |
7 | Whom Kane in "Citizen Kane" is based on
New York Times -
08 Oct 2015 | New York Times / 08 Oct 2015 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
U.S. journalist
Publishing name
Host at San Simeon
U.S. editor-publisher
San Simeon resident
He made a mint in mines
News magnate
Lord of San Simeon
Cosmopolitan publisher
Citizen Kane's real-life model
Publishing name
Host at San Simeon
U.S. editor-publisher
San Simeon resident
He made a mint in mines
News magnate
Lord of San Simeon
Cosmopolitan publisher
Citizen Kane's real-life model
Diversified publishing giant
On the street catch the sound of old newspaperman
Tribune Company competitor
Newspaperman William Randolph ___
San Simeon castle builder
Publisher of Cosmopolitan and Good Housekeeping
Newspaper publisher tries to initially
California's ___ Castle
Newsman who famously defined news as "something somebody doesn't want printed"
Old newspaper man put Sun leader in the middle
On the street catch the sound of old newspaperman
Tribune Company competitor
Newspaperman William Randolph ___
San Simeon castle builder
Publisher of Cosmopolitan and Good Housekeeping
Newspaper publisher tries to initially
California's ___ Castle
Newsman who famously defined news as "something somebody doesn't want printed"
Old newspaper man put Sun leader in the middle