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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
97% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • any of the short curved hairs that grow from the edges of the eyelids • leather strip that forms the flexible part of a whip • a quick blow delivered with a whip or whiplike object verb • beat severely with a whip or rod • lash or flick about sharply • strike as if by whipping • bind with a rope, chain, or cord | ||||||||
90% | 7 | A stiff hair or bristle on an animal or plant | ||||||
noun • a stiff fiber (coarse hair or filament); natural or synthetic • a stiff hair verb • be in a state of movement or action • rise up as in fear • have or be thickly covered with or as if with bristles • react in an offended or angry manner | ||||||||
90% | 8 | A slender threadlike object or fiber | ||||||
noun • a very slender natural or synthetic fiber • the stalk of a stamen • a threadlike structure (as a chainlike series of cells) • a thin wire (usually tungsten) that is heated white hot by the passage of an electric current | ||||||||
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LASHES which was last seen in the New York Times crossword.
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Updated: October 10, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times28 May 1991 | Down 1 | |
New York Times27 Nov 1979 | Across 27 | |
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