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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the head of a state government • a control that maintains a steady speed in a machine (as by controlling the supply of fuel) | ||||||||
27% | 11 | Plant training method to create living fences | ||||||
verb • To train a plant in this manner. | ||||||||
27% | 7 | Famous Atakapa chief was Chief Jean-Joseph | ||||||
noun • a member of an Indian people formerly living along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas • a language spoken by the Atakapa of the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas | ||||||||
Chief Found In Training Over Northern Fences
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GOVERNOR which was last seen in the The Guardian Quiptic crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quiptic17 Jan 2000 | Down 17 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Famous Atakapa chief was Chief Jean-Joseph | |
2 | Means of climbing over rural fences
New York Times -
23 Jun 2020 | New York Times / 23 Jun 2020 |
3 | Miner hurries over fences in industrial region
The Guardian Cryptic -
10 Jun 2020 | The Guardian Cryptic / 10 Jun 2020 |
4 | Plant training method to create living fences | |
5 | Race over fences
The Guardian Quick -
21 Dec 2004 | The Guardian Quick / 21 Dec 2004 |
6 | Steps over fences
New York Times -
12 Jul 1983 | New York Times / 12 Jul 1983 |
7 | Steps over rural fences
New York Times -
12 Mar 1990 | New York Times / 12 Mar 1990 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Speed-limiting device
Speed-regulating device
W.J.C. at age 32
See 3-Down
Calling for father to observe speed restriction
Person in a mansion
Person in charge of colony, prison etc
One exercising authority
Person in authority
Speed-regulating device
W.J.C. at age 32
See 3-Down
Calling for father to observe speed restriction
Person in a mansion
Person in charge of colony, prison etc
One exercising authority
Person in authority
Father means to maintain steady speed
Reigning over Normandy more than does for chief
Ruler of a colony — machine regulator
Chief justice minister's car keeps on coming back
Ex-minister meeting resistance — and not a leader
Prison boss
Institutional head
Provincial ruler
Rancour regularly following Tory leader
Reigning over Normandy more than does for chief
Ruler of a colony — machine regulator
Chief justice minister's car keeps on coming back
Ex-minister meeting resistance — and not a leader
Prison boss
Institutional head
Provincial ruler
Rancour regularly following Tory leader