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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 4 | ANYA | Exact Match! | |||||
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30% | 8 | Given name of the Russian playwright Chekhov | ||||||
noun • Roman general under Julius Caesar in the Gallic wars; repudiated his wife for the Egyptian queen Cleopatra; they were defeated by Octavian at Actium (83-30 BC) | ||||||||
30% | 6 | Russian surname, sometimes spelled as Chekhov | ||||||
noun • Russian dramatist whose plays are concerned with the difficulty of communication between people (1860-1904) | ||||||||
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times13 Mar 1983 | Across 40 | ANYA |
New York Times01 Jan 1980 | Across 59 | ANYA |
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Clue | Source | |
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2 | Chekhov play, with "The"
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3 | Chekhov play: 1899
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05 Jan 1987 | New York Times / 05 Jan 1987 |
4 | Coined the phrase 'Chekhov's gun', which refers to a dramatic principle that states every element in a story must be necessary | |
5 | Play by Chekhov
The Guardian Quick -
17 Jan 2000 | The Guardian Quick / 17 Jan 2000 |
6 | Portrayed Anton Chekhov's Ivanov on stage | |
7 | Sister in Chekhov's "Three Sisters"
New York Times -
23 Aug 2009 | New York Times / 23 Aug 2009 |
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