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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 12 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the consequence of one event setting off a chain of similar events (like a falling domino causing a whole row of upended dominos to fall) | ||||||||
30% | 5 | Infect | ||||||
noun • the state of being contaminated verb • place under suspicion or cast doubt upon • contaminate with a disease or microorganism | ||||||||
30% | 8 | Infect with ill-feeling or resentment | ||||||
verb • cause to be bitter or resentful | ||||||||
Chain Of Events Making Me Infect Food Accidentally
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DOMINOEFFECT which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic01 May 2014 | Down 11 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Can infect humans if eggs are accidentally ingested | |
2 | Infect
New York Times -
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3 | Infect or spoil
New York Times -
09 Apr 1985 | New York Times / 09 Apr 1985 |
4 | Infect with ill-feeling or resentment
The Guardian Quick -
27 Mar 2001 | The Guardian Quick / 27 Mar 2001 |
5 | Someone prone to accidentally dropping small amounts of food while eating | |
6 | To infect (anag)
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14 Oct 2014 | The Guardian Quick / 14 Oct 2014 |
7 | Will infect
The Guardian Cryptic -
12 Aug 2014 | The Guardian Cryptic / 12 Aug 2014 |