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99% | 12 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an expression of strong disapproval; pronouncing as wrong or morally culpable • (law) the act of condemning (as land forfeited for public use) or judging to be unfit for use (as a food product or an unsafe building) • an appeal to some supernatural power to inflict evil on someone or some group • the condition of being strongly disapproved of • (criminal law) a final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed | ||||||||
32% | 9 | Proposed the existence of an evil demon deceiving us | ||||||
noun • French philosopher and mathematician; developed dualistic theory of mind and matter; introduced the use of coordinates to locate a point in two or three dimensions (1596-1650) | ||||||||
32% | 6 | A demon or evil spirit in various cultures | ||||||
noun • a violent hot sand-laden wind on the deserts of Arabia and North Africa | ||||||||
Caught By Evil Demon State Criticism
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CONDEMNATION which was last seen in the The Guardian Everyman crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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The Guardian Everyman05 Apr 2015 | Across 17 | |
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Similar Clues
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2 | A demon or evil spirit in mythology or folklore | |
3 | Evil demon
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4 | Perfect demon, last of cattle caught by rope
The Guardian Everyman -
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5 | Powerful evil demon of Arabian myth (alternative spelling)
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6 | Proposed the existence of an evil demon deceiving us | |
7 | Quiet graduate caught in adverse criticism: it happened before
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