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99% | 3 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • strong liquor flavored with juniper berries • a trap for birds or small mammals; often has a slip noose • a machine that separates the seeds from raw cotton fibers • a form of rummy in which a player can go out if the cards remaining in their hand total less than 10 points verb • separate the seeds from (cotton) with a cotton gin • trap with a snare | ||||||||
43% | 9 | A card that can represent any other card in a card game | ||||||
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41% | 8 | A playing card that can represent any other card in a card game | ||||||
noun • an unpredictable factor • a playing card whose value can be determined by the person who holds it | ||||||||
Card Game With Knocking Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times07 Jan 2008 | Down 65 | |
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3 | A playing card that can represent any other card in a card game | |
4 | Five-card or seven-card game
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6 | Knocking bird
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7 | Monkey about with game of chance, knocking heads off ornament
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