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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • United States electrical engineer and inventor (born in Croatia but of Serbian descent) who discovered the principles of alternating currents and developed the first alternating-current induction motor and the Tesla coil and several forms of oscillators (1856-1943) • a unit of magnetic flux density equal to one weber per square meter | ||||||||
18% | 11 | Term used to describe car parts that are not made by the original car manufacturer | ||||||
noun • The market for further goods and services, such as replacement parts and accessories, subsequent to the sale of a product such as an automobile or computer. • The industry that serves that market. • Trading activity in a security immediately following its initial offering to the public. verb • To sell goods or services in the aftermarket. | ||||||||
18% | 10 | Server hopping from car to car | ||||||
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New York Times13 Jan 2020 | Across 71 | |
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2 | Company called "Big Blue"
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01 Mar 2010 | New York Times / 01 Mar 2010 |
3 | Company once called Allegheny
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09 Aug 2000 | New York Times / 09 Aug 2000 |
4 | Part of a car that is pressed with the foot to make the car stop | |
5 | Rental car company whose stock symbol is CAR
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11 Oct 2020 | New York Times Mini / 11 Oct 2020 |
6 | TV host who said "You get a car, you get a car, you get a car ... everybody gets a car!"
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06 Apr 2020 | New York Times Mini / 06 Apr 2020 |
7 | Used in car racing to indicate a faster car that is about to lap another |