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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a narrow secluded valley (in the mountains) | ||||||||
29% | 11 | Time zone used in cities such as Las Vegas and Phoenix | ||||||
noun • standard time in the 8th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the 120th meridian west; used in far western states of the United States | ||||||||
28% | 6 | Pattern inspired by the Duke's Clan Campbell | ||||||
noun • a covered gravy holder of silver or other metal containing a detachable central vessel for hot water to keep the gravy warm • a design consisting of a pattern of varicolored diamonds on a solid background (originally for knitted articles); patterned after the tartan of a clan in western Scotland • a sock knitted or woven with an argyle design | ||||||||
Campbell Who Sang By The Time I Get To Phoenix Crossword Clue
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New York Times14 May 2018 | Down 58 | |
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5 | He married Lady Frances Campbell-Bannerman, the daughter of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom | |
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7 | Time zone used in cities such as Las Vegas and Phoenix |