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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • United States landscape architect (born in England) who designed Central Park (1824-1895) | ||||||||
57% | 8 | Surname of the Scottish architect who co-designed Central Park (first name: Calvert) | ||||||
noun • English chemist noted for his studies of molecular structures in plants (1886-1975) • United States prizefighter who won the world middleweight championship five times and the world welterweight championship once (1921-1989) • Irish playwright and theater manager in Dublin (1886-1958) • United States historian who stressed the importance of intellectual and social events for the course of history (1863-1936) • United States baseball player; first Black to play in the major leagues (1919-1972) • United States poet; author of narrative verse (1869-1935) • United States film actor noted for playing gangster roles (1893-1973) | ||||||||
42% | 13 | Works closely with the set designer, lighting designer, and costume designer | ||||||
noun • someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a stage show | ||||||||
Calvert 1824 95 Designer Of New Yorks Central Park
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VAUX which was last seen in the The Guardian Speedy crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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The Guardian Speedy21 Jul 2019 | Across 9 | |
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