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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an impressive country house (or castle) in France | ||||||||
26% | 7 | Traditional British teatime treat | ||||||
noun • thin flat unleavened cake of baked oatmeal | ||||||||
26% | 8 | Traditional British teatime treat | ||||||
noun • a sweet cake flavored with sesame or caraway seeds and lemon | ||||||||
By Teatime Water The Vineyard Crossword Clue
There is 1 exact and 108 possible answers.
We've checked our database and believe the answer is
CHATEAU which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic15 Jun 2007 | Across 22 | |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | A type of British teatime treat | |
2 | French cat gets water in vineyard
The Guardian Cryptic -
24 Oct 2022 | The Guardian Cryptic / 24 Oct 2022 |
3 | Mule makin' a mess of teatime food
The Guardian Cryptic -
28 Apr 2017 | The Guardian Cryptic / 28 Apr 2017 |
4 | Quick drink about teatime?
The Guardian Cryptic -
19 Sep 2016 | The Guardian Cryptic / 19 Sep 2016 |
5 | Teatime comestibles
New York Times -
02 Sep 1992 | New York Times / 02 Sep 1992 |
6 | Teatime snack
New York Times -
03 Sep 1991 | New York Times / 03 Sep 1991 |
7 | Teatime treat |
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French country house
Large (French) country house
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Large country house in France
French county house
Loire valley attraction
French stately home
Talk over each university in French castle
Union leader after two teas at a French country house
French country house
Large (French) country house
Vineyard brews of the upper classes
Large country house in France
French county house
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Cat is given water in French country house
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Vineyard estate around Bordeaux
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Cat is given water in French country house
Animal taking water in French country house
Meal in not entirely warm French country house
Gallic house wine?
What could be at each posh country house in Bordeaux?
Vineyard estate around Bordeaux
Pegasus regularly goes to talk in French castle
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