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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 10 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an executive officer of a firm or corporation • the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government • the office of the United States head of state • the chief executive of a republic • the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization • the head administrative officer of a college or university | ||||||||
44% | 9 | Houdini and his ilk | ||||||
noun • a person who escapes into a world of fantasy | ||||||||
44% | 5 | Words uttered by Jack Sparrow and his ilk | ||||||
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Bush And His Ilk Desert Spin Doctors
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PRESIDENTS which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic20 Jun 2007 | Down 13 | |
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2 | Author is hard to follow, like others of his ilk
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08 Nov 2016 | The Guardian Cryptic / 08 Nov 2016 |
3 | Godunov and his ilk
New York Times -
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4 | Houdini and his ilk | |
5 | Lecter or one of his ilk exchanging drugs
The Guardian Cryptic -
11 Feb 2019 | The Guardian Cryptic / 11 Feb 2019 |
6 | Who's after Bush, given the Second Amendment? His running mate's secured northern state; so who's Bush after?
The Guardian Cryptic -
30 Sep 2008 | The Guardian Cryptic / 30 Sep 2008 |
7 | Words uttered by Jack Sparrow and his ilk |