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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs or bushes • any technique designed to reduce or eliminate financial risk; for example, taking two positions that will offset each other if prices change • an intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement verb • avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues) • hinder or restrict with or as if with a hedge • enclose or bound in with or as it with a hedge or hedges • minimize loss or risk | ||||||||
46% | 7 | Scottish term for blackthorn bushes | ||||||
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42% | 7 | Birthplace of famous Portuguese poet Bocage | ||||||
noun • a port city on the Atlantic coast of Portugal to the southeast of Lisbon | ||||||||
Botanical Barriers Or Boundaries Of Beech Blackthorn Box Bramble And Other Such Bushes In The Bocage Crossword Clue
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HEDGES which was last seen in the Telegraph Giant General Knowledge crossword.
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Updated: October 18, 2023
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Elusive chat or “Philomel” of scrub, thicket or woodland, whose lilting melodious nocturnal serenades have captured the imagination of artists, authors, musicians and poets throughout historyFrom the practice of highlighting festivals and saints’ feasts in scarlet on ecclesiastical calendars, a term for memorably happy, noteworthy or significant occasions
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Telegraph Giant General Knowledge30 Sep 2023 | Down 5 | |
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2 | A botanical garden devoted to trees, such as that in Westonbirt
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3 | Birthplace of famous Portuguese poet Bocage | |
4 | Bramble feature
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5 | Scottish term for blackthorn bushes | |
6 | Vexed about European tree such as beech, from what we hear
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