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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • (Old Testament) Moses' successor who led the Israelites into the Promised Land; best remembered for his destruction of Jericho • a book in the Old Testament describing how Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan (the Promised Land) after the death of Moses | ||||||||
37% | 12 | Follows the book of Deuteronomy | ||||||
noun • a book in the Old Testament describing how Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan (the Promised Land) after the death of Moses | ||||||||
37% | 9 | Regulations in the book of Deuteronomy | ||||||
noun • the laws (beginning with the Ten Commandments) that God gave to the Israelites through Moses; it includes many rules of religious observance given in the first five books of the Old Testament (in Judaism these books are called the Torah) | ||||||||
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times15 Oct 2013 | Down 9 | |
New York Times16 May 1994 | Across 40 | |
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3 | Book of the Bible that follows Deuteronomy | |
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