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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord • any sharply pointed projection • a small sharp-pointed tip resembling a spike on a stem or leaf • the part of a book's cover that encloses the inner side of the book's pages and that faces outward when the book is shelved • a sharp rigid animal process or appendage; as a porcupine quill or a ridge on a bone or a ray of a fish fin | ||||||||
29% | 5 | Lapse (anag.) leaps (anag.); pales (anag.); peals (anag.); pleas (anag.) | ||||||
noun • one of the green parts that form the calyx of a flower | ||||||||
29% | 7 | Angered (anag.); derange (anag.); en garde (anag.); enraged (anag.); grenade (anag.) | ||||||
noun • a nobleman of highest rank in Spain or Portugal | ||||||||
Body Part Snipe Anag
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SPINE which was last seen in the Telegraph Mini crossword.
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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Telegraph Mini03 Mar 2023 | Down 2 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Also known as the painted snipe | |
2 | Angered (anag.); derange (anag.); en garde (anag.); enraged (anag.); grenade (anag.)
Telegraph Cross Atlantic -
09 Nov 2023 | Telegraph Cross Atlantic / 09 Nov 2023 |
3 | A small broom; a twisted bunch as a torch; a bundle of hay/straw; a flock of snipe; or, something delicate, such as a streak of smoke or a tuft of hair
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
05 Aug 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 05 Aug 2023 |
4 | Body part whose name contains another body part
New York Times -
05 May 2019 | New York Times / 05 May 2019 |
5 | Genus of elongated snipe-like wading birds | |
6 | Lapse (anag.) leaps (anag.); pales (anag.); peals (anag.); pleas (anag.)
Telegraph Cross Atlantic -
20 Jun 2023 | Telegraph Cross Atlantic / 20 Jun 2023 |
7 | Site for a snipe
New York Times -
09 Apr 2022 | New York Times / 09 Apr 2022 |