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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • any of various plants of the genus Ranunculus | ||||||||
39% | 14 | Cap of this fungus is initially convex and becomes flatter with age | ||||||
noun • a beautiful yellow gilled fungus found from Alaska south along the coast | ||||||||
29% | 7 | Early bloomers | ||||||
noun • chiefly deciduous shrubs or small trees of Mediterranean area and western Asia: broom | ||||||||
Bloomers Flatter Crusts Initially Boring
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BUTTERCUP which was last seen in the Telegraph Toughie crossword.
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Updated: April 10, 2024
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Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Toughie11 Apr 2024 | Across 17 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Bloomers German chap initially lampooned in Room 101
The Guardian Cryptic -
05 Nov 2019 | The Guardian Cryptic / 05 Nov 2019 |
2 | Cap of this fungus is initially convex and becomes flatter with age | |
3 | Desserts with crusts
New York Times -
10 Jul 2000 | New York Times / 10 Jul 2000 |
4 | Early bloomers | |
5 | Follow someone around small town initially to flatter
The Guardian Quiptic -
06 May 2019 | The Guardian Quiptic / 06 May 2019 |
6 | Forming crusts
New York Times -
27 Oct 1992 | New York Times / 27 Oct 1992 |
7 | Small oval seeds baked into the crusts of bread or on buns
The Guardian Speedy -
06 Jun 2010 | The Guardian Speedy / 06 Jun 2010 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Shade of yellow
Bert cut up wild flower
Pick of the field - compliment takes in many
Common yellow meadow plant
Wild flower
Yellow flower
However, Mr Lawrence took the royal trophy for his flower
A flower that's yellow and black, say, is given a prize
Plant about to be planted in flatter environment?
Oil dealers about to speak to copper 29
Bert cut up wild flower
Pick of the field - compliment takes in many
Common yellow meadow plant
Wild flower
Yellow flower
However, Mr Lawrence took the royal trophy for his flower
A flower that's yellow and black, say, is given a prize
Plant about to be planted in flatter environment?
Oil dealers about to speak to copper 29
Meadow flower
Bra specification, say, included shade of yellow
Rich yellow wild flower
Bloomer to put trophy on goat
Common meadow flower
Common grassland plant, poisonous to livestock
Touch of blue, say, on prize flower
Cow, perhaps, a pest on the lawn
Weed with rich yellow flowers
Flower, say, in black container
Bra specification, say, included shade of yellow
Rich yellow wild flower
Bloomer to put trophy on goat
Common meadow flower
Common grassland plant, poisonous to livestock
Touch of blue, say, on prize flower
Cow, perhaps, a pest on the lawn
Weed with rich yellow flowers
Flower, say, in black container