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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a shameless impudent scheming woman • wife of Ahab who was king of Israel; according to the Old Testament she was a cruel immoral queen who fostered the worship of Baal and tried to kill Elijah and other prophets of Israel (9th century BC) | ||||||||
55% | 6 | Birthplace of Bette Davis | ||||||
noun • United States poet (1917-1977) • United States astronomer whose studies of Mars led him to conclude that Mars was inhabited (1855-1916) • United States poet (1874-1925) • United States educator and president of Harvard University (1856-1943) | ||||||||
53% | 13 | Portrayed by actresses such as Bette Davis and Minnie Driver | ||||||
noun • English comedienne and mistress of Charles II (1650-1687) | ||||||||
Bette Davis Film
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JEZEBEL which was last seen in the Eugene Sheffer crossword.
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Updated: October 11, 2023
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Eugene Sheffer30 Apr 2020 | Across 46 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "A ___ Life" (Bette Davis film of 1946)
New York Times -
29 Oct 1982 | New York Times / 29 Oct 1982 |
2 | 1938 Bette Davis film titled after a biblical character | |
3 | 1942 Bette Davis film
New York Times -
06 Jan 2013 | New York Times / 06 Jan 2013 |
4 | 1950 Bette Davis film hinting at something found 15 times in this puzzle
New York Times -
01 Mar 2016 | New York Times / 01 Mar 2016 |
5 | Bette Davis film about an unscrupulous actress
The Guardian Quick -
30 Jan 2008 | The Guardian Quick / 30 Jan 2008 |
6 | Film for which Bette Davis won an Oscar: 1935
New York Times -
27 Nov 1981 | New York Times / 27 Nov 1981 |
7 | Portrayed by actresses such as Bette Davis and Minnie Driver |