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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a woman with whom you are in love or have an intimate relationship | ||||||||
22% | 11 | Art of producing another installment of a beloved video game | ||||||
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18% | 4 | One on top of another on top of another … | ||||||
noun • a collection of objects laid on top of each other • (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent • a large sum of money (especially as pay or profit) • fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs) • battery consisting of voltaic cells arranged in series; the earliest electric battery devised by Volta • a column of wood or steel or concrete that is driven into the ground to provide support for a structure • the yarn (as in a rug or velvet or corduroy) that stands up from the weave • a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fission to generate energy verb • arrange in stacks • press tightly together or cram • place or lay as if in a pile | ||||||||
Beloved Of One Another
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INAMORATA which was last seen in the The Guardian Speedy crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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The Hedera genus of evergreen climbersWrap prevalent in Mediterranean cooking
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Speedy06 Aug 2006 | Across 20 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "Another Suitcase in Another Hall" musical
New York Times -
24 Mar 2018 | New York Times / 24 Mar 2018 |
2 | "Another ___, Another Show" ("Kiss Me, Kate" song)
New York Times -
05 Aug 2010 | New York Times / 05 Aug 2010 |
3 | Art of producing another installment of a beloved video game | |
4 | Beloved "Immortal Beloved" piece
New York Times -
02 Mar 2012 | New York Times / 02 Mar 2012 |
5 | His characters became beloved icons of children's literature | |
6 | Musical with the song "Another Suitcase in Another Hall"
New York Times -
05 Jun 2022 | New York Times / 05 Jun 2022 |
7 | Tony-winning musical with the song "Another Suitcase in Another Hall"
New York Times -
13 Jun 2018 | New York Times / 13 Jun 2018 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Beatrice, to Dante
Loved one in the morning or at first
Juliet, to Romeo
Lover yielding up a pitch to 26
Fiancée, say
Broadcast aria to man and his beloved
Maria, not a fickle lover
Party to a tryst
Beatrice, to Dante
Loved one in the morning or at first
Juliet, to Romeo
Lover yielding up a pitch to 26
Fiancée, say
Broadcast aria to man and his beloved
Maria, not a fickle lover
Party to a tryst
I'm grateful after a traveller returned love
Sailor, one from the Gulf, picked up a lover
Beloved home before noon or at middle of day
Object of one's affections
Withdrawal of a man from capital breaking heart of Latin lover
Female lover; to a marina (anag.)
A sailor meets Arab turning up to see lover
Girlfriend flying to a marina
Lover wearing scent picked up at counter
Sailor, one from the Gulf, picked up a lover
Beloved home before noon or at middle of day
Object of one's affections
Withdrawal of a man from capital breaking heart of Latin lover
Female lover; to a marina (anag.)
A sailor meets Arab turning up to see lover
Girlfriend flying to a marina
Lover wearing scent picked up at counter