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99% | 5 | CUGAT | Exact Match! | |||||
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32% | 7 | ___ Xavier: Founder of X-Men | ||||||
noun • King of France from 1560 to 1574 whose reign was dominated by his mother Catherine de Medicis (1550-1574) • King of France who began his reign with most of northern France under English control; after the intervention of Jeanne d'Arc the French were able to defeat the English and end the Hundred Years' War (1403-1461) • as Charles II he was Holy Roman Emperor and as Charles I he was king of France (823-877) • King of England and Scotland and Ireland during the Restoration (1630-1685) • son of James I who was King of England and Scotland and Ireland; was deposed and executed by Oliver Cromwell (1600-1649) • the eldest son of Elizabeth II and heir to the English throne (born in 1948) • French physicist and author of Charles's law which anticipated Gay-Lussac's law (1746-1823) • king of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor; conqueror of the Lombards and Saxons (742-814) • a river in eastern Massachusetts that empties into Boston Harbor and that separates Cambridge from Boston | ||||||||
32% | 7 | Isidore Auguste Marie François Xavier Comte is its founder | ||||||
noun • Auguste Comte's positivistic philosophy that metaphysics and theology should be replaced by a hierarchy of sciences from mathematics at the base to sociology at the top | ||||||||
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New York Times03 Aug 1976 | Across 38 | CUGAT |
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6 | ___ Xavier: Founder of X-Men | |
7 | ___ Xavier University: Historically Black University in New Orleans |