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99% | 5 | MARYS | Exact Match! | |||||
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32% | 5 | Hotel chain named after the Astor family | ||||||
noun • British politician (born in the United States) who was the first woman to sit in the British House of Commons (1879-1964) • United States capitalist (born in Germany) who made a fortune in fur trading (1763-1848) | ||||||||
32% | 9 | Often associated with Astor Piazzolla | ||||||
noun • a type of concertina popular in South America | ||||||||
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times15 Dec 1986 | Across 61 | MARYS |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Astor's collection
New York Times -
08 Aug 1985 | New York Times / 08 Aug 1985 |
2 | Brooke Astor, e.g.
New York Times -
27 Dec 2014 | New York Times / 27 Dec 2014 |
3 | Commodity for John Jacob Astor
New York Times -
13 May 2010 | New York Times / 13 May 2010 |
4 | First name of the Titanic victim with the last name Astor | |
5 | Furrier John ___ Astor
New York Times -
15 Jan 2014 | New York Times / 15 Jan 2014 |
6 | Hotel chain named after the Astor family | |
7 | Mrs. Astor's set ÷ Lakers + Tarkington novel =
New York Times -
18 May 1986 | New York Times / 18 May 1986 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
"The Bells of St. ___," 1917 song
Martin and Pickford
Martin and Ure
Astor and Martin
St. ___ U. of San Antonio
Martin and Astor
St. ___River (Superior-Huron link)
St. _____ River (Michigan-Ontario divider)
Saint ___ College of California
St. ___ College, in Indiana
Martin and Matalin
Saint ___ University of Minnesota
"The Bells of St. __"
See 36-Across
St. ___ parish (Crosby/Bergman movie setting)
St. ___ College (school name in Indiana, Maryland and California)
"The Bells of St. ___" (Bing Crosby film and song)
“The Bells of St. —”