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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a light sharp contact (usually with something flexible) • a short stroke • a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement verb • flash intermittently • look through a book or other written material • cause to move with a flick • throw or toss with a quick motion • shine unsteadily • twitch or flutter • cause to make a snapping sound • touch or hit with a light, quick blow • remove with a flick (of the hand) | ||||||||
35% | 10 | Wrestling hold with one arm under the opponent's arm and the other arm behind the neck | ||||||
noun • a wrestling hold in which the holder puts an arm under the opponent's arm and exerts pressure on the back of the neck | ||||||||
27% | 7 | Arm cut or a leg cut, perhaps, relating to a sensitive area | ||||||
adjective • relating to or like or divided into areolae | ||||||||
Arm To Cut When Filming
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FLICK which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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The Guardian Cryptic21 Mar 2007 | Down 5 | |
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7 | Wrestling hold with one arm under the opponent's arm and the other arm behind the neck |