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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a dense flower cluster (as of the lilac or horse chestnut) in which the main axis is racemose and the branches are cymose | ||||||||
24% | 3 | Many a promoter of human rights or voting rights, for short | ||||||
noun • an organization that is not part of the local or state or federal government | ||||||||
24% | 11 | Shift from military staff to civilian staff | ||||||
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Ancient Staff Rights In Your Old Country
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THYRSUS which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic08 Oct 2002 | Down 8 | |
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Similar Clues
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1 | A country, organisation or person’s available equipment, materials, money or staff, drawn upon when needed; or, one’s enterprise or ability to deal with adverse situations
Telegraph Herculis -
25 Sep 2023 | Telegraph Herculis / 25 Sep 2023 |
2 | Country's official staff arrested by troops
The Guardian Cryptic -
22 Mar 2019 | The Guardian Cryptic / 22 Mar 2019 |
3 | Country professor on staff gets first-class write-up
The Guardian Cryptic -
23 Aug 2010 | The Guardian Cryptic / 23 Aug 2010 |
4 | Destroying the Four Olds: Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas | |
5 | Her famous quote: 'Human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights' | |
6 | Many a promoter of human rights or voting rights, for short
New York Times -
21 Oct 2022 | New York Times / 21 Oct 2022 |
7 | Terribly irate going round ancient city in ancient country
The Guardian Everyman -
03 Jul 2005 | The Guardian Everyman / 03 Jul 2005 |