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99% | 6 | VASSAR | Exact Match! | |||||
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49% | 7 | Alma mater | ||||||
noun • the body of faculty and students of a college • an institution of higher education created to educate and grant degrees; often a part of a university • a complex of buildings in which an institution of higher education is housed | ||||||||
49% | 7 | Alma mater of Barack Obama | ||||||
noun • a university in Massachusetts • American philanthropist who left his library and half his estate to the Massachusetts college that now bears his name (1607-1638) | ||||||||
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times24 Oct 1993 | Across 96 | VASSAR |
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3 | Shaquille O'Neal's alma mater: Abbr.
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4 | The alma mater of a famous politician | |
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Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Brewer who founded a college
Famed Poughkeepsie brewer
One of Smith's sisters
N.Y. college
Second Sister
Coed college in Poughkeepsie
College named for a brewer
Poughkeepsie campus
Alma mater of Meryl Streep
Formerly all-women's college in Poughkeepsie
Matthew who founded a college in 1861
Poughkeepsie college
One of academia's Seven Sisters
Liberty League school
Formerly all-women's college in Poughkeepsie, NY
Seven Sisters school that went coed in 1969
One of the Seven Sisters
Where Jacqueline Kennedy went to college