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99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective • of or relating to or characteristic of the African Republic of the Sudan or its people noun • a native or inhabitant of Sudan | ||||||||
22% | 9 | Someone who collects signatures for a petition | ||||||
noun • a petitioner who solicits contributions or trade or votes • someone who examines votes at an election • someone who conducts surveys of public opinion • a person who takes or counts votes | ||||||||
22% | 12 | Party named in a divorce petition for having an extramarital affair | ||||||
noun • the codefendant charged with adultery with the estranged spouse in a divorce proceeding | ||||||||
African Petition To Restrict Vikings
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SUDANESE which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic21 Jan 2011 | Down 8 | |
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Similar Clues
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1 | A petition or entreaty | |
2 | Cowboys or Vikings
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3 | Foe of the Vikings
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11 Apr 2014 | New York Times / 11 Apr 2014 |
4 | Petition | |
5 | Scores of Vikings, for short
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26 Nov 2014 | New York Times / 26 Nov 2014 |
6 | The Vikings, e.g.
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7 | Vikings
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30 Nov 1977 | New York Times / 30 Nov 1977 |