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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not | ||||||||
28% | 12 | Person imitating someone else | ||||||
noun • the semantic role of an entity that is not the agent but is directly involved in or affected by the happening denoted by the verb in the clause | ||||||||
25% | 7 | Vainglorious and affected person | ||||||
noun • a conceited dandy who is overly impressed by his own accomplishments • a cap worn by court jesters; adorned with a strip of red • the fleshy red crest on the head of the domestic fowl and other gallinaceous birds | ||||||||
Affected Person Crossword Clue
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New York Times22 May 1983 | Down 101 | |
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