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99% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
verb • administer narcotics to | ||||||||
53% | 10 | To combine with sulphur; -- said of certain metals or metalloids with sulphur or sulphur compounds. | ||||||
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47% | 10 | Their plumage comes in various colors including silver laced and golden laced | ||||||
noun • A member of the Wyandotte people. • (plural always with "-s") A breed of poultry. | ||||||||
Affect With Drug Producing Odd Reaction Laced With Sulphur Crossword Clue
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NARCOTISE which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a The Guardian Cryptic crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
eg restyle, after conversion, in bluish colourSecond kind of soldier, good and smart
At home abstaining, having drunk cider inside bar
Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic08 Mar 2023 | Down 16 | |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
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1 | Element producing revulsion, added to sulphur
The Guardian Cryptic -
30 Jul 2012 | The Guardian Cryptic / 30 Jul 2012 |
2 | For example drinks upset on band, producing scornful reaction
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30 May 2011 | The Guardian Cryptic / 30 May 2011 |
3 | Runner has honey laced with drug
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16 May 2006 | The Guardian Cryptic / 16 May 2006 |
4 | Sense organ's sound, for example, producing surprised reaction?
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09 Dec 2013 | The Guardian Cryptic / 09 Dec 2013 |
5 | To cause to combine with sulphur; to treat with sulphur or sulphur compounds, or an agent that causes sulphuration. | |
6 | To combine with sulphur; -- said of certain metals or metalloids with sulphur or sulphur compounds. | |
7 | VIP's sea travels producing no reaction
The Guardian Cryptic -
20 Jun 2000 | The Guardian Cryptic / 20 Jun 2000 |