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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective satellite • belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past • important in history | ||||||||
29% | 5 | Positive adjective for music, negative adjective for socks | ||||||
adjective satellite • offensively malodorous • (of jazz) having the soulful feeling of early blues • stylish and modern in an unconventional way • in a state of cowardly fright | ||||||||
22% | 13 | A situation in which an action or event leads to another action or event that intensifies the original action or event | ||||||
noun • one trouble leads to another that aggravates the first • an argument that assumes that which is to be proved | ||||||||
Adjective For An Event In Mlxvi
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New York Times20 Nov 1977 | Down 28 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "Hair today, gone tomorrow" adjective
New York Times -
18 Feb 1989 | New York Times / 18 Feb 1989 |
2 | Adjective for Bunker Hill
New York Times -
21 Apr 1979 | New York Times / 21 Apr 1979 |
3 | A situation in which an action or event leads to another action or event that intensifies the original action or event | |
4 | Descriptive adjective
The Guardian Quick -
18 Jan 2000 | The Guardian Quick / 18 Jan 2000 |
5 | Event before the main event
New York Times -
21 Jun 2011 | New York Times / 21 Jun 2011 |
6 | Positive adjective for music, negative adjective for socks
New York Times Mini -
14 Apr 2023 | New York Times Mini / 14 Apr 2023 |
7 | The conditional probability of an event is the probability of that event given that another event has occurred. |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Adjective for the Boston Massacre
Like July 4, 1776
Highly significant
Like a Catton work
Belonging to the past
Not just noteworthy
Sit with choir, which could be memorable
Famous record topped in performance of choir
Momentous, noteworthy
Famous hotel is to have Royal in charge
Redolent of past glories
Hugely important man's suppressing revolutionary riot with clubs
Connecting with old times
Goulash so rich it is celebrated
Choir with its quavers breaking new ground
Significant island wrapped by Christo somehow!