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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • Queen of England and Scotland and Ireland; daughter of James II and the last of the Stuart monarchs; in 1707 she was the last English ruler to exercise the royal veto over parliament (1665-1714) | ||||||||
37% | 9 | Setting of the sci-fi novel 'Time's Eye' by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter | ||||||
noun • an atoll in the western Marshall Islands that was used as a Japanese air and naval base during World War II • an amphibious assault in the Pacific in World War II (January 1944); American forces landed and captured a Japanese air base | ||||||||
37% | 15 | Properties of solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation | ||||||
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Actress Baxter
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ANNE which was last seen in the New York Times crossword.
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Updated: October 10, 2023
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times14 Jan 1992 | Across 58 | |
New York Times01 May 1990 | Down 61 | |
New York Times27 Jul 1987 | Across 63 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Actress who plays Bella Baxter in Poor Things
Telegraph Cross Atlantic -
06 Apr 2024 | Telegraph Cross Atlantic / 06 Apr 2024 |
2 | Baxter of "The Ten Commandments"
New York Times Bonus -
01 Oct 2000 | New York Times Bonus / 01 Oct 2000 |
3 | Baxter or Bancroft
New York Times -
26 Dec 1988 | New York Times / 26 Dec 1988 |
4 | First name of the actress Baxter from 'Family Ties' | |
5 | Newsman Baxter on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show"
New York Times -
11 Sep 2011 | New York Times / 11 Sep 2011 |
6 | The given name of the British actress Baxter | |
7 | TV/film/stage actor once married to actress Meredith Baxter
New York Times -
30 Aug 2011 | New York Times / 30 Aug 2011 |