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99% | 7 | ROBARDS | Exact Match! | |||||
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35% | 6 | Surname of the American physicist and Nobel laureate who co-discovered the W and Z particles, Melvin | ||||||
noun • United States general who was the first African American to serve as chief of staff; later served as Secretary of State under President George W. Bush (born 1937) • English physicist who discovered the pion (the first known meson) which is a subatomic particle involved in holding the nucleus together (1903-1969) | ||||||||
33% | 14 | Black directors, such as Melvin Van Peebles, often helmed these films | ||||||
noun • the exploitation of black people (especially with regard to stereotyped roles in movies) | ||||||||
Actor Who Played Howard In Melvin And Howard Crossword Clue
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New York Times09 Jul 1994 | Down 25 | ROBARDS |
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6 | Surname of the American physicist and Nobel laureate who co-discovered the W and Z particles, Melvin | |
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