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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an ancient country in southwestern Asia to the east of the Tigris River (in what is modern Iran); was known for its warlike people | ||||||||
35% | 6 | Cuban-American actor who starred in 'Miami Vice' | ||||||
noun • Venezuelan master terrorist raised by a Marxist-Leninist father; trained and worked with many terrorist groups (born in 1949) | ||||||||
35% | 8 | Actor Don ______ known for his role in 'Miami Vice' | ||||||
noun • English writer and lexicographer (1709-1784) • 36th President of the United States; was elected vice president and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated (1908-1973) • 17th President of the United States; was elected vice president and succeeded Lincoln when Lincoln was assassinated; was impeached but acquitted by one vote (1808-1875) | ||||||||
Actor Jack From Miami Ariz Crossword Clue
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times25 Nov 1992 | Down 33 | |
New York Times24 Nov 1983 | Down 23 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Actor Don ______ known for his role in 'Miami Vice' | |
2 | Actor from Ariz.?
New York Times -
20 Apr 1993 | New York Times / 20 Apr 1993 |
3 | Ariz. Indian group
New York Times -
10 Mar 1988 | New York Times / 10 Mar 1988 |
4 | Ariz. Indians
New York Times -
31 Mar 1985 | New York Times / 31 Mar 1985 |
5 | Cuban-American actor who starred in 'Miami Vice' | |
6 | Jack from Miami, Ariz.
New York Times -
21 Jul 1985 | New York Times / 21 Jul 1985 |
7 | The "Jack" of a Jack and Coke
New York Times Mini -
13 Jul 2019 | New York Times Mini / 13 Jul 2019 |