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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 8 | PUMPIRON | Exact Match! | |||||
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40% | 13 | The art of dancing; a treatise on the art of dancing; a system of dancing. | ||||||
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35% | 10 | The position held by someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger | ||||||
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Act Like A Younger Schwarzenegger With Dancing Shoe Smooth
There is 1 exact and 145 possible answers.
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PUMPIRON which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic07 Sep 2005 | Down 21 | PUMPIRON |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "When ___ younger, so much younger ..." ("Help!" lyric)
New York Times -
09 Feb 2014 | New York Times / 09 Feb 2014 |
2 | Airer of "Strictly Come Dancing," the precursor to America's "Dancing With the Stars"
New York Times Mini -
01 Sep 2020 | New York Times Mini / 01 Sep 2020 |
3 | A shoe of untanned leather formerly worn in parts of Scotland and Ireland for traipsing over rough ground; a sturdy brown Oxford-like shoe patterned with perforations; or, a mellifluous lilting Irish accent
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
16 Sep 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 16 Sep 2023 |
4 | Dancing man in "Dancing Lady"
New York Times -
30 May 1999 | New York Times / 30 May 1999 |
5 | Staying smooth in scene, artists are dancing
The Guardian Everyman -
24 Sep 2017 | The Guardian Everyman / 24 Sep 2017 |
6 | The art of dancing; a treatise on the art of dancing; a system of dancing. | |
7 | The position held by someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger |