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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the transparent covering of an aircraft cockpit • the umbrellalike part of a parachute that fills with air • a covering (usually of cloth) that serves as a roof to shelter an area from the weather verb • cover with a canopy | ||||||||
37% | 6 | Cockpits | ||||||
noun • a particular environment or walk of life • the central area of an ancient Roman amphitheater where contests and spectacles were held; especially an area that was strewn with sand • a large structure for open-air sports or entertainments • a playing field where sports events take place | ||||||||
35% | 8 | Type of fabric used in parachutes | ||||||
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A Cover Such As A Beds Tester A Cockpits Transparent Enclosure A Forests Collective Tree Crowns Or A Parachutes Overhead Fabric Dome
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CANOPY which was last seen in the Telegraph Giant General Knowledge crossword.
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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A tiller; a joiner’s plane; a yoga pose; or, with “the”, Charles’s Wain
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Telegraph Giant General Knowledge14 Jan 2023 | Across 50 | |
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Similar Clues
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2 | A transparent domelike cover or enclosure | |
3 | Cockpits
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4 | Golden parachutes, e.g.
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5 | Small parachutes
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6 | Transparent dome
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7 | ___ out (parachutes)
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