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99% | 5 | LAYLA | Exact Match! | |||||
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36% | 10 | Occurred when a person bends at the waist with knees straight, then suddenly bends at the knees while keeping the waist straight | ||||||
noun • a large knife with one or more folding blades • a dive in which the diver bends to touch the ankles before straightening out verb • dive into the water bending the body at the waist at a right angle, like a jackknife | ||||||||
31% | 5 | Eric Clapton's hit song 'Tears in Heaven' is a _______ song | ||||||
noun • a type of folksong that originated among Black Americans at the beginning of the 20th century; has a melancholy sound from repeated use of blue notes • a state of depression | ||||||||
___ Youve Got Me On My Knees Clapton Lyric Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times21 Oct 2000 | Across 28 | LAYLA |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "She's got electric boots, a ___ suit" ("Bennie and the Jets" lyric)
New York Times -
16 Feb 2014 | New York Times / 16 Feb 2014 |
2 | 1970 hit with the lyric "I'm down on my knees, / I'm begging you please to come home"
New York Times -
15 Nov 2015 | New York Times / 15 Nov 2015 |
3 | Band Cream, featuring Eric Clapton, had notable contributions to this genre | |
4 | Got down on one's knees and begged
New York Times -
08 Nov 2023 | New York Times / 08 Nov 2023 |
5 | Got on one's knees, maybe
New York Times -
28 Jul 2023 | New York Times / 28 Jul 2023 |
6 | Occurred when a person bends at the waist with knees straight, then suddenly bends at the knees while keeping the waist straight | |
7 | Where Mimmsie Starr got pinched, in a Cole Porter lyric
New York Times -
29 Aug 1998 | New York Times / 29 Aug 1998 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Eric Clapton hit with a seemingly endless chorus
Eric Clapton classic
Eric Clapton hit
Eric Clapton hit with a never-ending chorus
1972 pop hit with a never-ending chorus
1972 top 10 hit going over seven minutes
1972 top 10 hit that was over 7 minutes long
1972 top 10 hit that's seven minutes long
Eric Clapton love song
Grammy-winning Eric Clapton tune
Song lyric by the French female
1971 rock classic inspired by a 12th-century Persian poem
1972 hit for Eric Clapton
Classic Eric Clapton song about unrequited love
1972 top 10 hit that ran for 7+ minutes
Song woman who's asked "Darlin', won't you ease my worried mind?"
Eric Clapton hit that's over seven minutes long
"___ and Majnun" (Arabic story that inspired a Clapton hit)