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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings • the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food • informal terms for a (young) woman • a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt • badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers verb • watch and study birds in their natural habitat | ||||||||
38% | 3 | Half of a frozen foods brand | ||||||
noun • a mineral that contains metal that is valuable enough to be mined • a monetary subunit in Denmark and Norway and Sweden; 100 ore equal 1 krona | ||||||||
38% | 3 | José ___ (frozen foods brand) | ||||||
interjection • An interjection used to stir up excitement. adjective • Of an object, concept, relationship, etc., having existed for a relatively long period of time. • Having been used and thus no longer new or unused. • Having existed or lived for the specified time. • (heading) Of an earlier time. • Tiresome after prolonged repetition. • Said of subdued colors, particularly reds, pinks and oranges, as if they had faded over time. • A grammatical intensifier, often used in describing something positive. (Mostly in idioms like good old, big old and little old, any old and some old.) • Excessive, abundant. | ||||||||
___ Eye Frozen Foods Brand
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BIRDS which was last seen in the New York Times Bonus crossword.
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Updated: October 11, 2023
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New York Times Bonus01 Mar 2021 | Across 33 | |
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