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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a jail or prison (especially one that is run in a tyrannical manner) • a fortress built in Paris in the 14th century and used as a prison in the 17th and 18th centuries; it was destroyed July 14, 1789 at the start of the French Revolution | ||||||||
36% | 13 | The battle lasted from July 5 to July 6, 1809 | ||||||
noun • a town in northeastern Austria | ||||||||
33% | 5 | The fourteenth day of July | ||||||
noun • a legal holiday in France celebrating the storming of the Paris bastille in 1789 | ||||||||
___ Day July 14 Crossword Clue
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New York Times18 Jul 1982 | Down 15 | |
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2 | Indecent books withdrawn (including most of Thackeray's) on a day in July
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29 Aug 2003 | The Guardian Cryptic / 29 Aug 2003 |
3 | Its red-letter day was in July 1969
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4 | Like a cold day in July
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12 Jul 1989 | New York Times / 12 Jul 1989 |
5 | The battle lasted from July 5 to July 6, 1809 | |
6 | The fourteenth day of July | |
7 | _____ Day (July 1)
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Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Old French prison to be shutting in a mute
It's mean to grab the kitty and it used to mean prison
Receiver of cash in military camp or prison
Is ballet out of place in revolutionary venue?
The bottom line is about where you pay - prison
Old fortress liable to collapse, holding little weight
Safe in sordid foreign jail
Historic French prison
Prison in Paris demolished in the Revolution
French fortress, HQ until captured
Historic fortress rebuilt as billet
Setting for part of "A Tale of Two Cities"
Let Basil out of prison
Work the land in infamous prison
Foot of wall lit up in lower part of old Paris prison
French can add butter to both sides of 'pain'
Be outside a quiet prison
Old fortress prison in Paris, stormed by the mob on 14 July 1789