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__ List Salesmans File Crossword Clue

There is 1 exact and 77 possible answers.
We've checked our database and believe the answer is CONTACT which was last seen in the New York Times Bonus crossword.
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We think the answer to this crossword clue is: CONTACT

Best Possible Answers

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99%7Exact Match!

• close interaction

• the act of touching physically

• the state or condition of touching or of being in immediate proximity

• the physical coming together of two or more things

• a person who is in a position to give you special assistance

• a channel for communication between groups

• (electronics) a junction where things (as two electrical conductors) touch or are in physical contact

• a communicative interaction

• a thin curved glass or plastic lens designed to fit over the cornea in order to correct vision or to deliver medication


• be in or establish communication with

• be in direct physical contact with; make contact

29%7 Change the file format of a document or file

• a person who has been converted to another religious or political belief


• change from one system to another or to a new plan or policy

• change the nature, purpose, or function of something

• change religious beliefs, or adopt a religious belief

• exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category

• cause to adopt a new or different faith

• score an extra point or points after touchdown by kicking the ball through the uprights or advancing the ball into the end zone

• make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something

• exchange a penalty for a less severe one

• change in nature, purpose, or function; undergo a chemical change

29%11 Method of encapsulating a document or file within another document or file
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Clue Last Found In...

Source #Number Answer
New York Times Bonus01 Apr 2012 Down 44
This clue was last seen in the publications above.

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