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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | MEETME | Exact Match! | |||||
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37% | 8 | St. Louis baseball team | ||||||
noun • the male is bright red with black wings and tail • crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male | ||||||||
36% | 7 | City on the Mississippi River | ||||||
noun • the largest city in Missouri; a busy river port on the Mississippi River near its confluence with the Missouri River; was an important staging area for wagon trains westward in the 19th century • king of France and son of Louis VIII; he led two unsuccessful Crusades; considered an ideal medieval king (1214-1270) | ||||||||
__ In St Louis
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MEETME which was last seen in the New York Times Bonus crossword.
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Updated: October 11, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times Bonus01 Sep 2014 | Down 4 | MEETME |
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3 | Collaborated with Louis Armstrong on the album 'Ella and Louis' | |
4 | Louis, Louis, Louis et al.
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17 Jan 1993 | New York Times / 17 Jan 1993 |
5 | Louis XIII, father of Louis XIV, was an influential monarch of this dynasty. | |
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