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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
97% | 5 | BIDEN | Exact Match! | |||||
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90% | 2 | The number that follows forty-five | ||||||
adjective satellite • being six more than forty | ||||||||
90% | 8 | Number between forty-five and forty-seven | ||||||
adjective satellite • being six more than forty |
46 Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times Mini27 Oct 2024 | Down 3 | BIDEN |
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Joseph of the Senate
Delaware senator
1987-95 Senate Judiciary Committee head
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Cheney's successor as vice president
First Catholic vice president of the U.S.
Cheney's successor
Ex-senator known as "Amtrak Joe"
Cheney's follower
"Frantic ___ Searching Dog Shelter for Bo Look-Alike" ("The Onion" headline)
He recently announced he wouldn't run for president
Politico with the 2007 autobiography "Promises to Keep"
"Shirtless ___ Washes Trans Am in White House Driveway": "The Onion" headline
One half of a soon-departing duo
Name on a 2008 bumper sticker
2017 recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom
2020 Democratic candidate
Politician known for his use of "malarkey"