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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 5 | GODOT | Exact Match! | |||||
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25% | 8 | Acknowledging someone's follow with a follow | ||||||
verb • to return someone's following of you on a social media platform | ||||||||
24% | 8 | Non-arrival at the expected time | ||||||
noun • quality of coming late or later in time | ||||||||
4 Acrosss Non Arrival In Follow Up Books Crossword Clue
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GODOT which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Hair in reporter's smoked salmonRussian type of dancer meets 25 twice!
Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic28 Dec 2007 | Down 25 | GODOT |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
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2 | Meat that's both non-kosher and non-halal
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31 May 2017 | New York Times Mini / 31 May 2017 |
3 | Non-arrival at the expected time | |
4 | Non-standard language is turning up in non-verbal messages
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27 Nov 2024 | The Guardian Cryptic / 27 Nov 2024 |
5 | Of a non-solid, non-liquid form
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01 Dec 2006 | The Guardian Quick / 01 Dec 2006 |
6 | Tree non-U, if non-U
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7 | Writer, holding books, gets non-fiction about right in Yorkshire
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Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Beckett's "Waiting for ___"
Beckett's absent character
"Waiting for ___"
He never arrives onstage
Theatrical title character who's never seen
Noted object of a wait
Beckett's "Waiting for __" (London opening of August 1955)
Estragon expected him
Unseen title character in a Beckett play
One with two men waiting for him
Beckett's absent character
"Waiting for ___"
He never arrives onstage
Theatrical title character who's never seen
Noted object of a wait
Beckett's "Waiting for __" (London opening of August 1955)
Estragon expected him
Unseen title character in a Beckett play
One with two men waiting for him
Unseen character in a Beckett play
Beckett's no-show
Classic Becket play, informally
Beckett's no-show
One who's waited upon
Object of a vain wait
On stage one waited for exit before Act Two started
Whom Vladimir and Estragon were waiting for, in a Beckett play
One theatrically waited for
No-show in a Beckett play
Beckett's no-show
Classic Becket play, informally
Beckett's no-show
One who's waited upon
Object of a vain wait
On stage one waited for exit before Act Two started
Whom Vladimir and Estragon were waiting for, in a Beckett play
One theatrically waited for
No-show in a Beckett play