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99% | 6 | ALANIS | Exact Match! | |||||
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55% | 10 | The debut album of Slowdive, released in 1991 | ||||||
noun • A subgenre of alternative rock typified by significant use of guitar distortion, feedback, obscured vocals and the blurring of component musical parts into indistinguishable "walls of sound" | ||||||||
46% | 7 | The debut album of French singer Vanessa Paradis | ||||||
noun • United States architect (born in France) who laid out the city plan for Washington (1754-1825) | ||||||||
1991 Platinum Debut Album By A Female Singer Crossword Clue
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New York Times11 Dec 2021 | Across 18 | ALANIS |
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Similar Clues
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1 | Grammy-winning singer and actress with a 1964 debut album titled 'The Barbra Streisand Album' | |
2 | One-named singer with the 1993 platinum album "Debut"
New York Times -
19 Jul 2019 | New York Times / 19 Jul 2019 |
3 | Platinum-selling debut rock album of 1978
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01 Jun 1996 | New York Times / 01 Jun 1996 |
4 | Self-titled 1991 female debut album
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14 Oct 2006 | New York Times / 14 Oct 2006 |
5 | Singer Josh whose self-titled 2001 debut album went 4x platinum
New York Times -
30 Jun 2015 | New York Times / 30 Jun 2015 |
6 | The debut album of Slowdive, released in 1991 | |
7 | Triple-platinum 1991 Hammer album
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13 Apr 2023 | New York Times / 13 Apr 2023 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Pop star Morissette
Grammy winner Morissette
"___ Unplugged" (1999 album)
"Thank U" singer Morissette
"___ Unplugged" (hit 1999 album)
Self-titled 1991 female debut album
"So-Called Chaos" singer Morissette
Rocker Morissette
Self-titled debut album of 1991
Self-titled debut pop album of 1991
1991 self-titled debut album
Pop singer's second album before "Jagged Little Pill"
“Ironic” singer Morissette
____ Morrissette, Ironic singer
First name in 1990s alternative rock
____ Morissette, Ironic singer
Debut studio album by Ms Morissette