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99% | 13 | SEXANDTHECITY | Exact Match! | |||||
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43% | 9 | Site of two devastating wars with Russia in the 1990s and early 2000s | ||||||
noun • an autonomous republic in southwestern Russia in the northern Caucasus Mountains bordering on Georgia; declared independence from the USSR in 1991 but Russian troops invaded and continue to prosecute a relentless military campaign in the largely Muslim republic | ||||||||
43% | 8 | Site of two major wars in the 1990s and 2000s | ||||||
noun • an autonomous republic in southwestern Russia in the northern Caucasus Mountains bordering on Georgia; declared independence from the USSR in 1991 but Russian troops invaded and continue to prosecute a relentless military campaign in the largely Muslim republic | ||||||||
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New York Times17 Apr 2016 | Across 68 | SEXANDTHECITY |
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