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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
43% | 14 | Defeated the Norwegian king Olaf II in battle | ||||||
noun • king of Denmark and Norway who forced Edmund II to divide England with him; on the death of Edmund II, Canute became king of all England (994-1035) | ||||||||
31% | 9 | Berber dynasty that ruled Morocco and parts of Spain from the 11th to 12th century | ||||||
noun • a member of a Muslim dynasty of Berber warriors that flourished from 1049 to 1145 and that established political dominance over northwestern Africa and Spain | ||||||||
31% | 6 | Ruler of England in the early 11th century | ||||||
noun • king of Denmark and Norway who forced Edmund II to divide England with him; on the death of Edmund II, Canute became king of all England (994-1035) | ||||||||
11Th Century Olaf Haraldsson Defeated Crossword Clue
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New York Times18 Apr 1999 | Across 27 | WESTMINSTERABBEYCOMPLETED |
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