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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
79% | 15 | Type of firearm that uses energy from the recoil to automatically eject spent cartridges and load fresh ones | ||||||
noun • a pistol that will keep firing until the ammunition is gone or the trigger is released | ||||||||
63% | 15 | Firearm with a mechanism that automatically loads and fires cartridges. | ||||||
noun • a firearm that reloads itself and keeps firing until the trigger is released | ||||||||
52% | 10 | Firearm with a mechanism that feeds cartridges into the chamber automatically | ||||||
noun • a firearm that reloads itself | ||||||||
Type Of Firearm That Expels Spent Cartridges And Loads New Ones Automatically
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AUTOMATIC PISTOL with a confidence score of 79%.
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