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54% | 5 | Only person to win a Nobel Prize in two scientific fields | ||||||
noun • French physicist; husband of Marie Curie (1859-1906) • a unit of radioactivity equal to the amount of a radioactive isotope that decays at the rate of 37,000,000,000 disintegrations per second • French chemist (born in Poland) who won two Nobel prizes; one (with her husband and Henri Becquerel) for research on radioactivity and another for her discovery of radium and polonium (1867-1934) | ||||||||
53% | 4 | Surname of the first African-American woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature | ||||||
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51% | 11 | First American to win the Nobel Prize in Physics | ||||||
noun • United States physicist (born in Germany) who collaborated with Morley in the Michelson-Morley experiment (1852-1931) | ||||||||
This Physicist Became The First American To Win A Nobel Prize In A Scientific Field Crossword Clue
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CURIE with a confidence score of 54%.
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