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Sputtered Or Crackled Crossword Clue

There is 1 exact and 18 possible answers.
We've checked our database and we believe the answer to be CREPITATED with a confidence score of 95%.
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We're 95% sure the answer is CREPITATED

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95%10Exact Match!

• make a crackling sound

35%7Sputtered, as an engine

• a compartment in a stable where a single animal is confined and fed

• small area set off by walls for special use

• a booth where articles are displayed for sale

• a malfunction in the flight of an aircraft in which there is a sudden loss of lift that results in a downward plunge

• seating in the forward part of the main level of a theater

• small individual study area in a library

• a tactic used to mislead or delay


• postpone doing what one should be doing

• come to a stop

• deliberately delay an event or action

• put into, or keep in, a stall

• experience a stall in flight, of airplanes

• cause an airplane to go into a stall

• cause an engine to stop

35%3 "That was a ___ joke!," Dana sputtered.

• a unit of absorbed ionizing radiation equal to 100 ergs per gram of irradiated material

• the unit of plane angle adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; equal to the angle at the center of a circle subtended by an arc equal in length to the radius (approximately 57.295 degrees)

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