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95% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
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33% | 7 | I must stop cup-holder showing less respect | ||||||
adjective satellite • characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality • improperly forward or bold | ||||||||
29% | 6 | Belief that smaller or larger people are worth less or deserve less respect | ||||||
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Showing Less Respect Crossword Clue
There is 1 exact and 140 possible answers.
We've checked our database and we believe the answer to be
IMPOLITER with a confidence score of 95%.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | After an order, is the worker showing respect?
The Guardian Cryptic -
12 Mar 2007 | The Guardian Cryptic / 12 Mar 2007 |
2 | Belief that smaller or larger people are worth less or deserve less respect | |
3 | I must stop cup-holder showing less respect
The Guardian Cryptic -
23 Aug 2016 | The Guardian Cryptic / 23 Aug 2016 |
4 | Property of a relation that states if an element has a certain property with respect to another element, then the second element does not have that property with respect to the first | |
5 | Showing profound respect
The Guardian Quick -
10 Dec 2019 | The Guardian Quick / 10 Dec 2019 |
6 | Showing respect of choir in broadcast
The Guardian Cryptic -
15 May 2009 | The Guardian Cryptic / 15 May 2009 |
7 | Title of respect that's an anagram of another title of respect
New York Times -
18 Feb 2016 | New York Times / 18 Feb 2016 |