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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 15 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • Russian dancer who danced with Nijinsky (1885-1978) | ||||||||
49% | 13 | She wrote her autobiography, 'A Few Memories' | ||||||
noun • United States actress; daughter of John Drew and wife of Maurice Barrymore; mother of Ethel Barrymore and John Barrymore and Lionel Barrymore (1854-1893) | ||||||||
48% | 9 | Her autobiography is titled 'My Double Life' | ||||||
noun • French actress (1844-1923) | ||||||||
She Wrote Her Autobiography Titled Theatre Street
There is 1 exact and 177 possible answers.
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TAMARA KARSAVINA with a confidence score of 95%.
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2 | 1994 literary autobiography whose first chapter is titled "Infant Prodigy?"
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3 | Boxing champ whose autobiography was titled "A Man Must Fight"
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6 | She wrote an autobiography titled 'Fifteen-Thirty: The Story of a Tennis Player' | |
7 | She wrote an autobiography titled 'Forehand Drive'. |