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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • dividing an area into zones or sections reserved for different purposes such as residence and business and manufacturing etc | ||||||||
47% | 6 | Order prohibiting outside activities after a given time | ||||||
noun • the time that the curfew signal is sounded • a signal (usually a bell) announcing the start of curfew restrictions • an order that after a specific time certain activities (as being outside on the streets) are prohibited | ||||||||
40% | 11 | Prohibiting certain entities from engaging in certain activities | ||||||
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Prohibiting Certain Activities In Specific Zones
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3 | Order prohibiting outside activities after a given time
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4 | Prohibiting certain entities from engaging in certain activities | |
5 | Prohibiting the sale of alcohol
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6 | Sign prohibiting sunshades?
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7 | Small message prohibiting certain headgear
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