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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 10 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective satellite • owning land or securities as a principal source of revenue | ||||||||
37% | 4 | Possessing material wealth | ||||||
adjective • possessing material wealth • having an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources) • high in mineral content; having a high proportion of fuel to air • suggestive of or characterized by great expense • causing indignation due to hypocrisy noun • people who have possessions and wealth (considered as a group) adjective satellite • of great worth or quality • marked by great fruitfulness • strong; intense • very productive • containing plenty of fat, or eggs, or sugar • marked by richness and fullness of flavor • pleasantly full and mellow • affording an abundant supply | ||||||||
34% | 6 | Flowers can be valuable assets | ||||||
noun • a frame that supports a boat while it is under construction • a frame for constraining an animal while it is receiving veterinary attention or while being shod • a former instrument of punishment consisting of a heavy timber frame with holes in which the feet (and sometimes the hands) of an offender could be locked | ||||||||
Possessing Wealth Or Valuable Assets
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